There’s Powerful Energy Moving When You Start to Clean
I never fully realized this before.
My business mentor had told me that was the first step……to clean my workspace, my house, my car, my computer… desk…..CLEAN UP!!
I must admit it’s the one I initially skipped over.
I was soooo excited to get started. I figured I could go back and do that later.
I wanted to make money!! And get going.
The silly thing was I knew better, so I was given the wonderful opportunity to learn this lesson once again. (Let’s hope I got it this time!)
This step is an ABSOLUTELY essential thing to’s instrumental in creating room for new things to come to me…..I tidy my house both inside and out. Putting the trash where it belongs and reaffirming the value in what I love.
I know that what my life looks like in the outside physical world is a reflection of my inside world …. What I do in one …..Will and does impact the other… they are not separate at all, they are woven beautifully together. I didn’t realize this though…..even with a lot of the training I had in “Energy Medicine” but I’ve got to tell you…….It makes ALL the sense in the world to me now….. it is KEY ….this First Step is key.
Cleaning allows me to see and think more clearly.
When everything’s in place I work more efficiently.
Now I’ve provided a “blank" canvas for creating.
I feel really positive about my self and where I am.
Energetically........this is a MUST!
The simple act of cleaning and organizing clears the energy chatter.
All the clutter and mess can actually form a sort of “energetic wall” around me keeping things out and keeping things in. Rhythm and flow is restored.
Energy’s in everything!
For example: Imagine the feeling when a room is stuffy and stale after being closed or full of people for awhile, or you’ve been driving for a long while in the car.
The simple act of opening a window to let some fresh air in dramatically changes the whole atmosphere.....I breathe a little ….actually a lot more easily, I’m invigorated filled with more energy, it wakes me up
Now, imagine an unresolved problem or unfinished business you may have with someone or something.
Boy, doesn't it feel good when you face it, take action and it’s completed?
I feel rejuvenated and empowered.
Now I can move on, it’s not hanging over my head or fussing about in the back of my mind wasting my energy and my valuable time, mind and emotions.
No more energy drain….I pulled the plug!
I believe it helps sets the stage for what ever task I’m involved in, it’s become almost a ritual I consciously clean up my physical environment I acknowledging to myself and the Universe that I’m ready for change!
As if I’m saying “So come on. Bring it on. I’m ready and willing.”
If I find myself resistant to this step, I might ask myself a few questions
Like….. “Am I ready to change?”
“What’s holding me back?” “Is there something I’m afraid of?” or
.”Hmmmmm isn’t this interesting? I wonder what this is all about.”
Sometimes I figure it out…..and sometimes not……..yet the act of acknowledging “It”, looking at “It” and most importantly my subsequent action of moving through ‘It’ is where the magic lives!
Another thing to remember is this is not a one shot deal...but rather a daily/weekly practice.
I found it’s become easier as I exercise my “sorting, cleaning and organizing” muscles.
Now I can’t imagine NOT doing it! Even just a little …and sometimes that’s all I do…Yet when things are hectic and I skip this step ……I’ve realized I actually waste more time in the long run.
Feng Shui principles incorporate this idea too;
Economy of objects, minimum clutter and thoughtful placement equals maximum and correct energetic flow.
The Law Of Attraction is alive in all aspects of our lives…. this one too…. new things are invited towards us by cleaning up and cleaning out the old.
Like I’m always saying…….. Action is the secret hidden in “Attraction.”
Blessings………In Peace,
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410.988.4598 /ApothecaryJeri